Stephen de Vries, Cofounder and CEO of IriusRisk, hosted AI/ML security experts CalypsoAI CEO and Founder Neil Serebryany, Dr. GaryMcGraw, cofounder of Berryville Institute of Machine Learning (BIML) and Chair of IriusRisk’s Technical Advisory Board, Siebe De Roovere, Principal Consultant at Toreon, on December 5, 2023, to discuss AI security.
This illustrious panel discussed crucial topics shaping the digital security ecosphere, with a focus on how the integration of threat modeling and compliance efforts can ensure that software meets the highest security standards while aligning with industry-specific requirements.
Listen to the discussion online.
M.A.T.C.H – (M)achine Learning / (A)rtificial Intelligence / (T)hreat Modeling / (C)ompliance (H)ow all of these link together!